hello there is a corupted raft so me and my freind can n0t join the server the chuck is located at 452.23, 62.69, 273.74 please help -- Entity being ticked -- Details: Entity Type: jarm:raft (com.Mrbysco.JustARaftMod.entity.EntityRaft) Entity ID: 433258 Entity Name: Raft Entity's Exact location: 452.23, 62.69, 273.74 Entity's Block location: World: (2061,89,3753), Chunk: (at 13,5,9 in 128,234; contains blocks 2048,0,3744 to 2063,255,3759), Region: (4,7; contains chunks 128,224 to 159,255, blocks 2048,0,3584 to 2559,255,4095) Entity's Momentum: 0.00, 0.00, 0.00 Entity's Passengers: [] Entity's Vehicle: ~~ERROR~~ NullPointerException: null
Hey there, Thank you for your patience while we worked to fix this issue for you. You will be happy to know the raft has been removed and you should be good to login again now. If you could try logging in and then letting us know that would be fantastic. Thank you in advance Cilo