Do you happen to be using a laptop with hybrid graphics? (tell us your laptop's model if you're not sure)
It might very well be. You need to install a GPU driver from your GPU's manufacturer website. AMD: Download Drivers NVidia: Drivers - Download NVIDIA Drivers Intel: Drivers & Software If you have a notebook, you need to get the driver from its manufacturer's website. If that's the case and you're not sure, tell us what's your laptop's manufacturer and model (can be usually found in system properties, or simply under your laptop).
I've downloaded 3 different drivers and none of them worked. I downloaded one from intel, another one from intel, and my computers manufacturers.
Disable OpenGL in the minecraft options menu. If it's not that then fully reinstall the pack if you haven't done already. Also updating Java could also be an option.
Please follow the official mojang trouble shooting guide on this matter: Pixel Format Not Accelerated - Hopper