So today I wanted to craft some energium dust from redstone and diamond dust but I only got 1 energium dust from craft instead of 9, it also says it nei that it is only 1. I dont know whats wrong because earlier I would normally get 9. I even logged into node 2 to check this out and it was normall. I am on node 3 expert. What could be the problem?
Yeah I know, but what does that have to do with it lol? It is rather obvious when I stated expert that I mean expert nodes
Are you sure it was on Node 2 expert, and not Node 2 normal? It's also possible that they're testing more difficult features in 3.
Im sure, even talked to people on chat. Well 36 diamonds for 1 energy crystal is not an expert, it is just insane
There is a bug in the crafting recipe on IE3, I've tested it in all three expert nodes and on singleplayer. Going to need an @Administrator to take a look at this. Spoiler: IE3 Recipe (Broken Recipe) Spoiler: IE2/IE1 Recipe Spoiler: Singleplayer Recipe