Done Crash over and over at certain spot in Nether

Discussion in 'Infinity' started by takahata, Nov 27, 2015.

  1. takahata

    takahata New Member

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    Local Time:
    9:23 PM
    Firstly, the server I play on is I think I selected the right infinity server for the thread, but I'm unsure.

    So, when I zone in to the Nether through a portal, about 90% of the time java freezes entirely. This happens immediately upon zoning in to the nether, or logging in to the spot i crashed in. This usually is instantaneous; i dont get more than 2 or 3 frames before it locks up. And since it completely freezes java I don't have a bug report to show, or anything similar. If i bash my head into that wall over and over, after re-launching and re-loading all the mods for infinity, and logging in, I can sometimes get past the portal, but it takes over an hour of logging in over and over.

    I suspect there is some item or some such somewhere in the chunk that is messing thigns up. I tried increasing the memory alotted to java in the settings to 6 gigs, and it did not help.

    The problem comes in for me that i died in the nether, need to recover my stuff, etc etc.

    Could anyone please shed some light on this situation?

    The coordinates of the portal are 3088,76,-416, or thereabouts, according to the waypoint .json file I found after digging around on my hard drive (since i cant log in to check the coords)
  2. alfiealfie

    alfiealfie Well-Known Member

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    4:23 PM
    try relaunching your game and force updating, there could be something there your client hasn't downloaded the texture to properly (i know its SOUNDS dumb, but it seems to have been the case for me a few times) but seriously use the ticket system its much faster and there are always staff on hand, you do /ticket --- in game and you come back here and click ticket system up by forums then you click the ticket you created and fill out the info (stuff like server and coords are pre-intalled onto the ticket)

    hope this helps
    takahata likes this.
  3. SirWill

    SirWill Founder

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    4:23 AM
    No issues here, so it's on your side.
  4. Slind

    Slind Founder

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  5. takahata

    takahata New Member

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    9:23 PM
    Thanks for all the help, guys. :) I will investigate with the tools provided and let you know what the issue was.[DOUBLEPOST=1448655222,1448649071][/DOUBLEPOST]In the course of digging around, I realized MYM had its own launcher. I had tried with curse and with ftb launcher, and neither worked. I uninstalled both, installed MYM launcher, and it works perfectly.

    The launcher is much better anyway, and the added benefits are great.

    Thanks for your swift replies, guys. I've been so impressed with the server and community since I joined a few days ago, I went ahead and purchased tier 2 rank. :)
  6. alfiealfie

    alfiealfie Well-Known Member

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    4:23 PM
    Nice :D I think you'lol continue to love it here, we even have our own exclusive packs

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