Hey, I am crashing atm everytime i login in to my island on Node 1. Sp does work for me. Just before i started crashing i was creating crafting signs from logisticspipes, this could be the issue? Could someone help me out? [Update: I tried to login to Node 2, i was able to do so. when i went back to Node 1 i ended up in the hub and when i /is home 'd i crashed again at my base]
Spoiler: Render issue j org.lwjgl.opengl.GL11.nglCallList(IJ)V+0 j org.lwjgl.opengl.GL11.glCallList(I)V+15 j logisticspipes.renderer.newpipe.GLRenderList.render()V+21 j logisticspipes.renderer.LogisticsRenderPipe.renderSign(Llogisticspipes/pipes/basic/CoreRoutedPipe;Llogisticspipes/pipes/signs/IPipeSign;F)V+192 j logisticspipes.renderer.LogisticsRenderPipe.renderPipeSigns(Llogisticspipes/pipes/basic/CoreRoutedPipe;DDDF)V+306 j logisticspipes.renderer.LogisticsRenderPipe.func_147500_a(Lnet/minecraft/tileentity/TileEntity;DDDF)V+50 j net.minecraft.client.renderer.tileentity.TileEntityRendererDispatcher.func_147549_a(Lnet/minecraft/tileentity/TileEntity;DDDF)V+22 As the issue is caused by rendering , make sure that your graphic card's drivers are up to date, and if you are using a laptop with integrated GPU, that you are using the dedicated (proper) one for Minecraft. If this does not work for you, a @Junior Administrator should be able to remove the signs on your island for you
Dat_Doc has this issue been resolved for you? Are you able to login without crashing? Please let us know so that we can assist you.
oke, using my dedicated GPU (Quadro K1100m), i dont encouter the crashes anymore. Thnx for the help Admins!