Creating a new MYM custom pack based in 1.10?

Discussion in 'Suggestions and Feedback' started by mrminesheeps, May 16, 2017.


Would you like a modpack like this?

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  1. mrminesheeps

    mrminesheeps Helper

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    5:23 AM
    I have plans for a theoretical modpack. The idea is somewhat of an RPG while still being open. It would have public locations with machinery, but if you want anything better than what is provided you'll need to purchase your own plot. you start off with ~2k myms, you wouldn't be able to make your own claims, however you may buy a "grant" with myms in order to build in large locations. rules, regulations, etc. would be in place to prevent players from building a cobblestone rectangle and living there. cities could have player run shops where they can sell their goods with guideline-based prices. For example, Diamonds, emeralds etc. would all have set values, and players could buy them from any player owned shop for such. now, player determined prices for crafted items beyond pickaxes and the like, encouraging good salesmanship in order to "pay the bills" if you cannot make the payment to an appointed mayor, you will have your shop taken down and your items returned to you. Let me refine this.

    • Player owned stores
    • Cities
    • Small towns
    • Public Machinery (basic level)
    • Player owned stores need to pay bills by the end of the real world month (with provided time zones for convenience)
    • Possibly a type of physical item, uncraftable, unneeded for crafting, simply worth x amount of money and can be delivered to another player and traded back in for myms. sort of like a sign shop for them.
    • player home plots
    • encourage decent player builds (no cobble rectangles)
    • etc...
    Comment below about other ideas, flaws, etc. with the idea. It's a suggestion, keep in mind, don't flame me 'cause you don't like it.
    Vulpes_Lagopus likes this.
  2. iStarlightz

    iStarlightz Prince Cuddles

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    8:23 AM
    First off using myms is a flawed idea since Patron plus subscribers are able to get 550 myms per day

    Would be almost a pay to win scenario for that mod pack. Since others would maybe get 70.

    Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  3. bigbluu722

    bigbluu722 Well-Known Member

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    8:23 AM
    Would require a pack dev team to get together to actually make the pack, so not sure how that would work out. Also, not sure how well it'll work in 1.10 as 1.10 is still new stomping grounds and in experimental stages.
  4. iStarlightz

    iStarlightz Prince Cuddles

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    8:23 AM
    Also for some of the ideas you have would require semi complete overhaul of certain mods to make work in a way you have in mind. Not to mention constant staff assigned to the server for monitoring.

    Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  5. mrminesheeps

    mrminesheeps Helper

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    5:23 AM
    in place of a few systems...

    • you buy the store, no bills to pay, but heightened cost for plots.
    • in place of myms, we could use custom npcs coins as currency, each being worth more than another.
    any more suggestions?
    I understand where you're getting at here, and now that I look at it, that does make sense :p hence my idea for the custom npcs currency idea.
    Also, revoke the ability to gain myms in any way outside of built-in features. would force gameplay upon players instead of spamming votes and perks and getting free jumpstarts into the pack.

    again, any more suggestions?
  6. Datsaltysnek

    Datsaltysnek lover of NCIS

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    7:23 AM
    weapons? i mean if your gonna do a city like server might as well make it interesting
  7. Blizzix_

    Blizzix_ Well-Known Member

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    8:23 AM
    Correct me if im wrong but this sounds like a modded towny?
  8. BookerTheGeek

    BookerTheGeek Patron Tier 3

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    7:23 AM
    1.11 instead of 1.10 as many mods are already no longer being updated for 1.10.
  9. Datsaltysnek

    Datsaltysnek lover of NCIS

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    7:23 AM
    oh this is gonna be a barrel of laughs *grabs popcorn* god help us all
  10. Voiding_Reaper

    Voiding_Reaper Well-Known Member

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    2:23 PM
    I can't wait for it :):)
    I really want to play this mod pack when it is done:smug:
  11. mrminesheeps

    mrminesheeps Helper

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    5:23 AM
    On the topic of weapons, I am not certain how it would work, but maybe a bounty plugin? allow a player to set bounties on other players, but it can only be done once a week, with a max value, of course, to prevent abuse. killing the bountied player (no, bountied is not a word, but just go with it) would award, say, 3 gold coins. just an idea. not sure how feasible it is.

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