Implemented Creative mode only rewards

Discussion in 'Agrarian Skies' started by andreas93609, Aug 17, 2014.

  1. andreas93609

    andreas93609 New Member

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    Local Time:
    9:43 AM

    I buyed a Legendary Reward bag... And i got Aura node that says "Creative Mode Only" is that allowed to keep? and 1 day on A1 i got a Chest that dup the items u take in the chest, but i throw that 1 in the void.... but is the Creative items allowed or a bug????
  2. Auvreaeath

    Auvreaeath Active Member

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    Local Time:
    3:43 AM
    The Aura Nodes are allowed from the reward bag, the reason it says "Creative Mode Only" is that's the only way to obtain them regularly. The reward bag however awards you with 8 I believe, which you can place for Random Aura Nodes.

    So in a shorter sentence, yes you're allowed to keep and use those.

    The Creative Strongbox (Assuming that's what you meant) shouldn't have been obtained.. I think there's a glitch which causes it however if you still have one I recommend you toss it asap!
    Cheers, Auvreaeath​
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