A couple of days ago i got contantly dis-connected, but at one of the re-connects i got to /home, got dis-connected. But after that it started to work fine again. Then on my search for nodes i got disconnected again (anther spot) and now i dont even get time to /home and i just get disconnected all the time. Any idea what i can do ?? (since it says Node 4 on my server im guessing it is evolved 4 )
it is working now, but does this mean i can not use it or is it just because im to close to someone elses base ? ? and thank you for your help.
Helped a player with same issue yesterday. He was scanning a Reinforced Obsidian covered EIO facade (that copies textures, name, block stats etc) but allows EIO pipes to go through it. It's caused by the Ender-IO block returning a null tile-entity. EnderCore/BlockEnder.java at master · SleepyTrousers/EnderCore · GitHub Either Thaumcraft needs a null-tile check, or better yet, EIO needs to redo their method and not allow it to return null, which they explicably do right now.