Doing the grind and basic respect? Rant of the day :)

Discussion in 'Community Talk' started by Bastian_76, Jul 30, 2015.

  1. Bastian_76

    Bastian_76 New Member

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    Local Time:
    12:47 PM
    Each to their own I suppose but why are so many people coming onto the server and not wanting to do the grind? I'm playing on Direwolf20 and I know some resources are hard to come by and as such I am more than willing to donate free items to people. I will even give away hard to come by items if I have spares. The part that confuses me is that people come along and beg for virtually everything from day dot. Some people even want everything built for them since a simple request for help often involves having to make everything yourself for them. I firmly believe in helping others as expanding ones knowledge is what the pack is ultimately for. If you haven't made the effort to get to know others you shouldn't expect everything on a silver platter. If you haven't done the basic grind then you shouldn't ask for things (excluding server limited hard to find items or plundered resources). If you haven't researched/played a little to find out what a mod is or does then why expect everything to be done for you, you don't learn unless you try it yourself. If you get something from someone please don't push the boundaries by then expecting everything for free and treating them as your personal freebie chest. Asking in chat once is enough, if no one responds don't get annoyed that your not getting something for free. The pack is full of mods and Direwolf20 is known for making thing automated or trying to work towards end game. Having a billion of everything is not end game, why gloat that you have a billion of everything when you can't even build a simple machine setup (oh and your stockpile is probably lagging my game play). The server has constraints to make the game run as lag free as possible, why complain that you can't find something when there are pretty much a dozen ways to make everything. I find the server constraints add extra fun as you have to build systems that aren't always showcased by Direwolf20. I applaud those that do the right thing (99%) and make gameplay wonderful. I am truely thankful for everyone who passes on their tips and tricks. The knowledge base of some players is astounding so why not do the grind and then pick peoples brains. Am I being too harsh?
  2. ItsNora_

    ItsNora_ Names not actually Noah Booster

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    Local Time:
    2:47 AM
    No I firmly am with you on this 100%. I personally love the beginning of any MC adventure and will go out of my way to do it all over again.
    snakeworm11 likes this.
  3. snakeworm11

    snakeworm11 Guest

    I completely and utterly agree as well! especially because i'm a tier 5 donator and have an orange "king" title :p. Sometimes people might even see me do my rants in chat if i get too annoyed by it. I dont know why but i seem to get a ton of requests for resources and teaming or, i have even been asked if i have skype or teamspeak... it gets annoying after a while, but you just have to try not to be annoying yourself and help with stuff that people really need help with, not things that they can get in 10 minutes tops from a simple process -.-. ok my version of the rant is over, i'll continue playing now :3.
  4. Bastian_76

    Bastian_76 New Member

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    Local Time:
    12:47 PM
    All hail to the King :)
  5. snakeworm11

    snakeworm11 Guest

    Why does everyone say that? XD

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