So about 1 hour ago I got annoyed by a clock in my base that wouldn't stop making weird noises so i set my staff of power to a 1 by 1 square and tried to break the clock. turns out that the 1 by 1 thing didn't register and it was stills tuck on 9 by 9 and there goes all of my chests and half my base. I would really hope for a rollback of my base but I doubt that will happen However, for the future, I'm wondering if it would be possible to make tools that mine more than a 1x1 block (such as wyvern and draconium tools) can't mine more than 1 chest at a time which will stop stuff like this happening since it mined like 25 full obsidian chests and i lost almost everything I own due to the lag (since there were like 5000 items on the floor) and also the reset that happened halfway through me clearing my stuff up and lack of chests to put my stuff in
Rollback would be a complete region and if there is any other player in the region he will have a rollback too, so no sorry.
my base is in the middle of the sea where only me and my team mate TFlippy are and we would be happy to be rolled back to before this happened