So, I have also witnessed many screwy end warps in DW20 1.10, using the actual end portal, being dropped into space, etc. Just wondering, though, since this is the actual warp, using the legit built portal (requiring 12 eye of ender) if there is something that can be done. I can't fly on this build, yet, so it's a bit more of a problem. Thanks! Edit: Pictured, a random tiny platform with nothing visible around it.
Hello rex333, I will be tagging our @Junior Administrator team so they may move the spawn point of the end. Please be patient whilst this is underway as this issue may not be there highest priority. Thank you, - Monkey
Hi There, i have teleported to the end and found that there is no end what so ever, as this is out of my power, i will need to tag our @Administrator Team to regen the End for you. Please be patient while they do as this may not be top priority. (Note To Admins, tried to place down a platform but couldn't, even with Angel Block)
This was just after the reset, but i havn't checked up on it after the last reset. But when i went there there as no end at all, not even the platform was there, tried to make one with angel block and bedrock, but i couldn't place the angel block for some reason.