Done Ender IO travel anchor eats items

Discussion in 'Horizons' started by vesyan, Sep 19, 2014.

  1. vesyan

    vesyan New Member

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    Local Time:
    12:36 PM
    I was playing yesterday, teleporting around with the staff of traveling when my friend asked me to come test his travel anchor. He then gave me the item that would be used as the 'key'. When i right clicked the travel anchor and the menu opened i picked up the 'key' item and hovered over the access slots, while hovering over the slot where the 'key' is suppose to be placed i press the number 1(by mistake), this caused the item(my ars magica soul bound spellbook) to be placed inside of the key slot. I could not retrieve this item in any way. and when i closed the menu the item did not drop, and when i reopened the menu the book was gone.

    Hopefully this warns others of this glitch and is it even possible for me to retrieve my spell book with my spells in them?
  2. kriss0612

    kriss0612 Ex-Staff Member

    Likes Received:
    Local Time:
    9:36 PM
    Its sad to hear that you have lost your spells that i bet took a lot of time and resources to make, but as far as Im aware of, they dont do item refunds, but maybe they will make an exception in your case as it was a game bug :) Best of luck!

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