The first problem seems to be a problem with the mod itself, and the other one seems to be a problem with multiplayer stuff. I am afraid that this might not have a fix.
You are trying to teleport into a world that either doesn't exist or isn't loaded. Most teleportation system from mods load worlds if they are not loaded, I do not know about this one. What is the world you are trying to teleport to?
He was trying to teleport to the farmworld, to his quarry - I fielded this question from him in game. I was able to get to farmworld through the portal, which allowed him to then teleport in. I had never seen this issue crash a player to desktop, though.
the world is the farmworld, the world number used to be 2 but it seems to have moved to 3 and is causing lots of crashes for people if they dont set it since its changed :/
ok. is the item expensive? if so it is fine for me to ask co-admins to exchange them for new ones. point them to this post if they say no.
okey guys ive made a new enhanced dislocator but it still crashes me when im trying to teleport anywhere or open the gui