New Enigmatica 9: Expert -Patron Only- Server Launch

Discussion in 'Announcements' started by HanoverFist69, Aug 19, 2023.

  1. HanoverFist69

    HanoverFist69 Administrator

    Likes Received:
    Local Time:
    4:22 AM
    Server Address

    IP: Version: 1.11.2

    FTB App - CurseForge - MYM Launcher
    Launch Dates:
    Patron 3:
    Aug 19th, 9am-ish PST
    Patron 2: Aug 20th, 9am-ish PST
    Patron 1: Aug 21st, 9am-ish PST
    (Note: Perms are being added manually so times are approximate)

    Enigmatica 9: Expert Pack Info

    Experience the next installment of Enigmatica's lovingly crafted and heavily curated progression modpack. blurring the lines between the magical and technological. Embark on an epic trek through the Twilight Forest, the Bumblezone, and classic Vanilla dimensions to restore the Tree of Life which has mysteriously withered away. An in-depth quest book awaits to guide you on your adventure!

    Use your wits and every trick available, from supped up Occultism familiars to powerful spells and custom rituals, to fight through and defeat bosses who hold the keys to your progression. All while dangerous Apotheosis critters wearing custom magical equipment seek to thwart you at every turn.
    Dive into a fully custom power system using Enigmatic Unity to convert the magical energies found in Potions to power Applied Energistics, Thermal, Mekanism and more. Begin with humble Hexerei brewing and work your way up from there using dozens of custom potion recipes.

    Get your picks ready and hands dirty as you excavate ore from the ground and process it through complex systems to extract copious amounts of metal from each ore with a fully customized ore processing system.

    Patron Only

    This server will be open to Patron Only. You will need a Patron subscription to play on this server. Friend Passes will not work on 1.19.2. servers!

    NOTE: This pack will eventually be open to the Public.

    Important Pack Progession Info

    This pack begins in the Twilight Forest not the Overworld. You eventually gain access to the Overworld. We are still not entirely sure how progression works out so some things have yet to be determined and will be sorted out as players progress. At the moment, there is a Farmworld and warps setup, but they will not be activated for players until we see how it all fits into progression.

    FarmTwilight world

    We have created a FarmTwilight farmworld so that bosses and such in the main Twilight Forest do not get used up ruining progression for everyone. You can access this dimension either from a telepad in the spawn or by using the command /warp farmtwilight. Please try to use this dimension for progression and farming.

    NOTE: Due to how TF works the /rtp command is disabled in TF and FarmTwilight. Mainly for your own safety. :D

    Server Info

    As a general warning, this is a Highly Experimental Server! Expect down time from time to time for fixes and updates!

    A lot of things have changed, we have made a Wiki Entry to help you with the transition. While we do not expect server or world resets, they could be unavoidable. Not a lot of premium rank perks have been added as of now, but we will be adding more as time goes on. These will be added to the shop page soon for what is available.

    The list of 1.19 server commands can be found on the MyM Wiki. It is still a work in progress so things may need to be added and there may be inaccuracies.


    Right now, tickets will NOT work. You can either post in the forum support section for the pack you are playing on or, preferably, in the Discord support channel created for this. This will be labeled new-server-support. This will help keep everything organized as we work out all of the bugs. We do ask that you please report any and all server issues!
  2. misscatlin1951

    misscatlin1951 We die so others may live. Patron Tier 3

    Likes Received:
    Local Time:
    7:22 AM
    If only I could afford it. Sounds good, I can hardly wait.!

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