What is your favorite console? what do you like, the brand new consoles or the o'l back in the day n64?
Pc ftw!! I had consoles since the 8bit Sega. All have been lacking.. had the most fun on ps 1 and n64 tho
Used to always play Playstation, ever since I saved enough of my own money to buy an original Playstation, My parents refused to get me one, havent touched it since the PS4 came out! PC now...tho I feel its not a console so is it a valid answer?
My all time favorite consoles to this day are the following: Super nintendo 16bit Sega genesis Those games never get old, Pack a bo... and chill out to any game
have to go with gamecube. that was the game system i had in my house when i was little and those were the best games, as soon as the wii came out all the sequals just started to get worst for the most part