Ferret 0.1.1 Overworld

Discussion in 'Archive (Suggestion and Feedback)' started by Recoil101, Sep 19, 2015.

  1. Recoil101

    Recoil101 Well-Known Member

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    Interested in views/opinions on the major changes coming to the The Ferret Business in the next few versions.

    Those of you who have taken an interest in this pack will no doubt have been keeping up to date with Caigan's (the mudpack author) thread over at the FTB forum. A number of major changes are being made to mods within the pack over the next two versions. One of the most eye catching is the replacement of Biomes O Plenty with Realistic World Generation. Caigan says of this change "It'd remove BoP trees, flora, and blocks. Any BoP Biome gets converted to a default biome". Evidently, whilst certainly not catastrophic for the Overworld dimension, it will have a serious impact.

    Having played previously on Infinity, I'm aware that there are essentially two static 'overworld' dimensions in existence. Basically, when overworld was generated a bug with BoP world generation meant that BoP biomes did not generate. When this was discovered people had already built bases so a decision was taken to create a new overworld with BoP working correctly called (ingeniously) Bopworld. The two sit side by side with bases on each. I wonder if this might not be a good idea with The Ferret Business. A new 'RWGworld' created with the new world gen mod that sits alongside the original overworld. Ferret has been proving VERY popular and surely spreading people's bases across two dimensions will ease TPS load a little.

    Anyway, that's my twopenneth.
  2. Mouro

    Mouro Well-Known Member

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    Hmm, i think maybe when the 0.1.1 farmworld will reset, and maybe create a second "overworld" and give it 2 weeks to the players transfer their build (with schematica, ae storage cell, or by hand) to the new world, and after the 2 weeks, the old overworld get deleted.

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