I would like to suggest that we remove the dimensional anchors for a couple days and see if that fixes our lag issues on Ferret.
Unless the dimensional anchors are public use, is this not staff issue? Again, I don't play FB alot so not sure about choices of losing chunks..[DOUBLEPOST=1444787446][/DOUBLEPOST]Loading*
ban all but personal anchors? the ones that only load while you're online? like the chickenchunks ones
Railcraft Anchors are not in the pack. Dimensional Anchor is the ONLY chunkloader in the pack, and it only loads chunks while players are online.
We already did disable chickenchunks on infinity for few weeks and there was no difference. It will be probably the same with FB
After some testing I have found that the Dimensional anchor is keeping players bases loaded even while they are offline. Many of these bases are built in a one chunk layout. A single pillar of platforms all loaded by the one dimensional anchor. This causes large amounts of tps lag. After shutting down several of these Dimensional anchors the server tps has stayed in the green for over an hour. Many of the bases that are constantly loaded are greater than 2t/t. If there is something else we could do to bring the tps up I would be more than willing to entertain the issues.
Changed: B:chunkloader.bypassForgeChunkLimits=true -> B:chunkloader.bypassForgeChunkLimits=false B:chunkloader.requireOnline=false -> B:chunkloader.requireOnline=true
ForgeChunkLimits: A Forge option to limit how many chunks a player can have loaded at any given time. The rundown of Forge's chunkloading system, that Forge-Based mods should adhere to (does contain some coding methods, but you should get the gist of it): Spoiler: Chunkloading system * The basic principle is a ticket based system. * 1. Mods register a callback {@link #setForcedChunkLoadingCallback(Object, LoadingCallback)} * 2. Mods ask for a ticket {@link #requestTicket(Object, World, Type)} and then hold on to that ticket. * 3. Mods request chunks to stay loaded {@link #forceChunk(Ticket, ChunkCoordIntPair)} or remove chunks from force loading {@link #unforceChunk(Ticket, ChunkCoordIntPair)}. * 4. When a world unloads, the tickets associated with that world are saved by the chunk manager. * 5. When a world loads, saved tickets are offered to the mods associated with the tickets. The {@link Ticket#getModData()} that is set by the mod should be used to re-register chunks to stay loaded (and maybe take other actions).