Today I was testing if the quest book really gets reset when the quests are updated on the server. After testing the result was: Quest book didn't reset. When I was updating the quests I just replaced HQM folder in server config folder. So I am wondering how are you updating quests on server if quest books reset on your server but on mine HQM server quest books doesn't reset.
@caithleen can help with those decisions, and plus, QB resets on servers sometimes is required due to how HQM is designed
i noticed though the QB happens to reset for a lot of people on Agrarian it usually ends up in a player or 2 lashing out in the chat.
He meant that it resets when the server is being updated to a new version and that was never the case. It sometimes happens when old quests get removed or highly changed (I assume, I don't know. Never knew the details of quest changes.). But in most of the cases it works just fine.
So quest books are reset only when existing quests are changed? I tested only if they QBs are reset when adding new quest/chapter. This is not what I meant to fix. When I was chatting with @ChetwyndKid , he said that quests are going to be updated soon because that resets QBs. So this topic is about adding quests without QB resets.
HQM is kinda strange on this one. I had QB reset for changing a quests icon. I had implemented whole questlines without a reset .... its kinda random.
Yeah, as caithleen pointed out, we kinda don't know when and why it happens. Most of the time it works just fine and when it happens I see if one of the latest backups works.
That makes sense because you were modifying already existing quest. I think that problem is solved. Just update quests when you are ready and if anything goes wrong (QB resets) use backup.
Well thats the reason why i only push quest updates if there has been alot of changes and its worth it
You can always load back from backup . So you can push updates more often. BTW I think that quest to teach player about machines necessary to fly to the mars should be implemented ASAP.
loading a backup doesn't mean it will work with the new quests. (It never did yet, but I always try.)
I meant it that way that you can try adding quests and if the questbook resets then you just revert those changes and load up backup. I am not saying that adding quests and not reversing the update and just loading up backup player.dat will help.
ahh ok. with third party packs we can't do that. With galactic science we could, but that would force us to stay at one version. The questbook is only being updated with major changes.