Done Flickering

Discussion in 'Horizons Daybreaker' started by Alcatsa, Aug 3, 2015.

  1. Alcatsa

    Alcatsa New Member

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    1:56 PM

    I thoguht I would test out the Horizons Daybreaker server today as I have been playing on the AG2 server.
    I came in and everything on the server but haveing problem with flickering and not seeing blocks all the time, for example I can see the bridge at spawn in certen angles but not in other same with the sign and the npc, then I steped into the pressure plates and was teleported to the world and most of the time what I see is just see throw the world and not the block I'm standing on.
    First I thought it was rendering lag but I persisted even if I stayed in one chunck, then I moved to next one and I could see everything in that chunk but nothing more, and then I could see blocks in the next one but no water.
    I'm not sure what is going on so if anyone can help me with ideas I would be grateful.


    Seems like it only happens then useing the curse voice client and not the ftb launcher
    Last edited: Aug 3, 2015
  2. Darkcrafter92

    Darkcrafter92 Well-Known Member

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    1:56 PM
    It may be a chunk error for your client. It happens from time to time to everyone. Simply try pressing F3+A, that should reload the chunk rendering around you. :)
  3. Slind

    Slind Founder

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    I don't know if the curse client is using a different forge version (you should be able to find that out on the main menu). Besides the forge version I don't think there is any difference in terms of mods, configs other settings..

    Another thing, do you have the overlay enabled from curse voice?
  4. Alcatsa

    Alcatsa New Member

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    1:56 PM
    The forge version is the same it seems
    And I hade overlay enabled from curse voice. I disinable it but it diden't make any diffrents.
    The only thing I can find that is diffrent is
    DifficultLife is enable on the curse version but not on the FTB one.
    I disabled it on curse version as well and it seems to be the problem.
    Thanks for the help geting the old brain to work again.

    Keep up the good work and you can mark this done.
    Slind likes this.

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