Done FPS drop & crash when loading NEI/JEI

Discussion in 'Beyond' started by CHRISRHODE2004, Mar 21, 2017.


    CHRISRHODE2004 Patron Tier 1

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    Local Time:
    11:55 PM
    Yesterday i was searching for watering cans in NEI/JEI .. soon as i entered "wa", the FPS dropped to almost zero and i couldn't access anything so i had to force-quit minecraft. Now whenever i access NEI/JEI i encounter the same thing and have to force-quit. Jr. Admin Tuffnoodle tried helping me - loaded single player and encountered the same exact thing when i typed "wa". He also had me force update and hard force update in the MYM launcher, still no luck. i have plenty of RAM allocated - 4 GB and 8 GB respectively, 16 GB total. i can launch the pack and play just fine with awesome FPS, but as soon as i access NEI/JEI it goes downhill from there. Can someone PLEASE help .. ?? Is there something that can be reset without me loosing all my stuff .. ?? Thank you.
  2. BookerTheGeek

    BookerTheGeek Patron Tier 3

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    1:55 AM
    "F3 + C" till crash occurs.

    Then post crash log please.

    CHRISRHODE2004 Patron Tier 1

    Likes Received:
    Local Time:
    11:55 PM
    F3+C does nothing .. computer just hangs there, no crash-report generated. Like i said, once i enter NEI/JEI, everything slows down to less than 1 FPS - i have to force quit minecraft. i've actually let it sit for awhile and it does nothing, except prevent me from doing anything.

    .... if i could just backpedal and remove the letters "w" and "a" .. everything would be peachy, but something appears to be loading that's messing everything up.

    upload_2017-3-21_11-36-48. [DOUBLEPOST=1490127340,1490121434][/DOUBLEPOST]UPDATE:

    Notice how these blocks change once my FPS drops and minecraft becomes unresponsive (see below):

  4. brandonlk

    brandonlk Well-Known Member

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    7:55 AM
    Yeah ik this problem, Its nei trying to load spawners it looks like and it cant handle all of them :p

    (BTW it is NEI)

    CHRISRHODE2004 Patron Tier 1

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    11:55 PM
    i think it may be agricraft water tanks or barrels .. or something like that - not sure though cause i cant access anything once i access NEI. i am no expert, so ....

    i even deleted the entire modpack and reinstalled and no luck, so the problem must be on the server - profile maybe .. ??
  6. Matryoshika

    Matryoshika Well-Known Member

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    8:55 AM
    JEI (and NEI) renders the blocks and items Client-Side.

    "Those blocks" that are seen as Stone in your image are Wooden Water Tanks.
    The thing is, for 99% of all mods out there, they register their blocks quite early in Minecraft's startup.
    However, with how AgriCraft adds Water Tanks & Irrigation Channels for each wood block, they have to go out of their way and add them in later.
    This causes an issue with Minecraft's Renderer, as normally this would be way too late to register a renderer (texture/model) for a block that (as of yet) doesn't exist. Sooo AgriCraft render these block by itself, but only when required.
    You typing in "wa" in JEI forces AgriCraft to try and create this renderer for each and every tank seen in JEI (or in your case, each Stone)

    A quote from one of the Devs on their Curse Forge page, about the same issue (just different JEI search) : if the lag occurs every time that you search '@agricraft' after the initial search, then that would be a problem worth reporting to the GitHub issue tracker.

    What happens when you lookup various woods? Like Greenheart, Balsa, Larch etc? Does your pc manage to render each one separately?

    CHRISRHODE2004 Patron Tier 1

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    11:55 PM
    Thanks for the detailed issue, makes sense .. however i cannot search anything else because when i enter NEI/JEI, the FPS gets so low i cant access anything - so basically im stuck ATM. PLEASE help .. !!

    i am on a mac - 17 inch intel i7 with 16 GB RAM with AMD Radeon R9 M370X 2048 MB, my PC died unfortunately.
  8. Matryoshika

    Matryoshika Well-Known Member

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    8:55 AM
    We cannot -do- anything because the issue is either on your end, or on AgriCraft's.
    You can try updating your graphics cards drivers, or maybe even downgrade them in a worst-case scenario.

    I would recommend that you file a bug-report to the AgriCraft github found here, about this issue.

    CHRISRHODE2004 Patron Tier 1

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    11:55 PM
    .... well everything was working fine for 2 weeks until i typed "wa" in the search box and now i have this issue - i was just wondering if something could be done with my profile and i just start again not using the search anymore and look it up online. Either way, i am just way too busy to be dealing with troubleshooting for so long - i work like 60 hours a week and 2 kids so .... i just had some time and started playing minecraft again for fun - this is not fun, so ill just give up with this modpack and try something else, maybe sky factory .... thanks for the help.[DOUBLEPOST=1490168230,1490141995][/DOUBLEPOST]


    Issue already reported to Agricraft GitHub:

    Crash when rendering item in JEI/Creative · Issue #777 · InfinityRaider/AgriCraft · GitHub
    Last edited: Mar 23, 2017
  10. NoOneElse

    NoOneElse Well-Known Member

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    8:55 AM
    You might try:
    1. Just removing the Agricraft mod
    2. Fire up single player
    3. Check NEI (removing "wa" if possible)
    4. Quit
    5. Re-add Agricraft
    6. Restart
    7. Enjoy....
  11. CHRISRHODE2004

    CHRISRHODE2004 Patron Tier 1

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    11:55 PM
    My problem is with multiplayer, not single player .. either way, your suggestion didn't work - all it did was create a loading error trying to launch the modpack.
  12. brandonlk

    brandonlk Well-Known Member

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    7:55 AM
    I remember, if you delete your Config folder it should remove the Wa from your nei although it will reset all your keybindings
  13. CHRISRHODE2004

    CHRISRHODE2004 Patron Tier 1

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    Local Time:
    11:55 PM
    This worked .. !! Thank you very much .. now i can go back to playing - woohoo .. !! :)

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