So what are are your suggestions people? (Caithleenium (891)) (Slidium (256)) So far I think of use oxygen for slindium.. not sure about Caithleenium..
Really? Is that the easiest way to make those elements...I look into it but are there better solutions?
I remember a couple of us did the calculations of energy & hydrogen needed to create one Cathleenium. It was 8Mil RF per, iirc.
I would use Sulfur (atomic number: 16) to get Slindium; sulfur should be relatively easy to extract from sulfur (if you have it) and should save you half the fusions. For Caithleenium, if you can get Arsenic, you can do it with that alone, but I would again suggest a high atomic number element like gold (lol), uranium, or silver. Of course, this is only if you are concerned about energy; otherwise you should decompose cocoa beans for tannic acid and use the huge amounts of carbon, hydrogen, and oxygen it generates to create your elements.
I will look into what you described Yurikha, though i would use cellulose instead of tannic acid. Though I haven't really come across gold, uranium and silver in huge quantities to decompose, gold I find and use, silver haven't seen, and uranium is on Venus but i don't think i've seen it though. hmm...