Hello, I'm in Skyfactory 3 NODE 2 and i built a garden cloche. In a YouTube Video (The newest Skyfactory Video from Skate702) the Garden Cloche worked. I built the same in the server to make my inderium(dont know the right name) grow faster. But it doesn't work. Is this a bug? LG Sebastian
No Not enderium i locked in Google. It calles inferium from mystical agriculture. Ist the inferium Tier 2 seed. I Made the same Loks the youtuber and it doesn't work. Sry for wrong words. I'm writinv at my Phone.
Enderium isn't from mystical agriculture. Inferium is from.mystical agriculture [doublepost=1499333736][/doublepost]It's both Skyfactory 3 He uses the newest version
The garden cloche's themselves are causing issues for some reason. Had to remove several of them due to players' client crashes.