I was placing some fluix cables and other random ME stuff when the server restarted. Rejoining makes me able to see my game half a second before it disconnects. Any admin who can fix this or explain what happend? I did nothing unusual when this issue happend. 2 Major issues in 24 hours... woohoo for me.
Hello PeterNemo, Can you please provide us with any errors you may be receiving when this happens (screenshot of the error would be best) or if your game crashes please follow the instructions here in the crash-report wiki and post them back here. This will help us understand your issue better and find a fix for it much faster. Thank you
The problem is I´m not getting any kind of errors, it just disconnects me with no crash logs. Can you maybe try and move my player to spawn to see if that would fix anything?[DOUBLEPOST=1480527229,1480523848][/DOUBLEPOST]My base was unclaimed at the time, could that be the reason?
I might be the cause for the crashes. Whenever I join the server goes down. I have an open conversation with the admins, but without any reply yet. (wrong server, sorry)
Hello PeterNemo since i changed your position to the spawn and you still get dc´s but are also able to log in on node2 i suspect that something is wrong with your player data. i will tag an admin now for further investigation. @Administrator
Considering my base is unclaimed at the current moment it would be nice if someone could solve this issue.
I moved your inventory items into a chest at your home point, this might fix your issue. Please try to join again.
Still getting the error Edit : This makes me think that its something with my charecter itself and not my items. You moved everything i have to a chest or something right? Would it be possible to reset my charecter then?[DOUBLEPOST=1480692258,1480689666][/DOUBLEPOST]Now it seems to 4 out of 5 times instead of giving me proxy errors it just says the server went down even though it didnt. So joining with my alt works fine. And everyone said that when i joined with peternemo they had lag... what is going on