I recently was watching old lets plays of my favorite pack "Ultimate" I noticed that people used to use Forestery as an early game power source, by the means of peat. It got me thinking, could you power a base off of nature and farming alone... When i return to modded. I will be taking this as a challenge... =). Starting with forestry
That being said.. does anyone still play this pack? I still feel its one of the best packs... still to this day. GT, EE2, Xycraft..ect
Xycraft, if memory serves right, is that mod that lets you harvest special crystals, create special blocks, and then plant crops on those blocks so that they grow really fast. Other crystals give different effects in their block form.
i it was much more then this. It was Tanks, Farm speed, Decoration blocks.... and much much more. I still have an ultimate world that i play on weekly.
Oh man I remember those tanks... I always used the Iron Tanks though xD I even had a big one I would fill with Creosote Oil and called it the "Septic Tank"
Because we have bigreactors and those x64 gens and such the mod makers have made their machines use much more power too (even TE). Most of the nature power gens haven't changed along with those power requirements (other than coal) :/ . I do know however that ic2 still has a sort of biogas setup that makes a good amount of power. That seems fun to make and use . edit: Hehe, I see what you did there, with the title