I had sometimes the issue of them disappearing but they come back always after a short period of time. But never heard of them disappearing while placed. Can you maybe explain in more detail what have you done (where have you placed it) and such. My advise is to wait a bit it should reappear. If not please contact us again.
Supposedly something to do with the claim itself. I tried /help to find a command to fix it, but got sent to a blank site. Idk how to fix it.
So the golems haven't reappeared? If you are looking for commands here the list in our wiki: Spoiler: Commands wiki: Commands — MyM-Wiki 0.0.1 documentation Everything about claims and commands can be found here: Spoiler: Claims wiki: GriefPrevention (protect your land) — MyM-Wiki 0.0.1 documentation If you are thinking about adding golems to your claims trust do the following: /trust [FakeThaumcraftGolem]