Hi does some know some good songs (like dubstep or pop or whatever) to listen to while playing minecraft? I know that might be a bad question or not on the right place but its not that good in my opiniom listening to rap or what not while playing this xD
It depends, I personally like this youtube channel a lot. Spoiler: Monstercat Youtube channel Monstercat - YouTube
Great then you may be interested in these then: Spoiler: DubstepGutter DubstepGutter - YouTube Spoiler: Revealed Recordings Revealed Recordings - YouTube Spoiler: oNlineRXD oNlineRXD - YouTube Spoiler: UKF Dubstep UKF Dubstep - YouTube
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dDSNt0KbhpE They Are good concert music. If you are in to bands. (School bands)
Well it depends on what type of music you like. I mostly listen to rock and other types. Some of my favorite bands are "Panic! At the Disco" and "Avenged Sevenfold"
http://www.shoutcast.com Try that site, Search the following. Chillstep (click on Gabriels smooth) Trap Dubstep ect... All bring up good stations
I suggest some Taioo its a youtube channel Code: Derp derp derp derp public static void {"My(items)" a=0-_+} lel derp