Done Gravestone dissapears if you die on top of mass fabricator

Discussion in 'Age of Engineering' started by _Dr_DaNk_, Jul 23, 2018.

  1. _Dr_DaNk_

    _Dr_DaNk_ Resident Smart Guy jk

    Likes Received:
    Local Time:
    4:34 AM
    Hi, I just wanted to report this odd bug where I died on top of a mass fabricator accidentally and I saw my gravestone spawn then disappear in a blink of an eye while on my death screen. Not asking for a refund just letting you know.
  2. SirWill

    SirWill Founder

    Likes Received:
    Local Time:
    11:34 AM
    This is most likely a bug from the gravestone mod which will not get resolved in 1.10 as all mods moved to 1.12

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