The dropdown doesn't list Infinity Node 4. I'm on Infinity Node 4. My BC quarry, a personalized ender chest, a personalized ender tank, and a magmatic dynamo were stolen. I thought I had the area claimed, but I must have moved the equipment out of the claim area and forgot to adjust the claim. This is the second time in a couple days (the first time I didn't make a claim because I thought you weren't supposed to make claims in farmland or the nether.) This constant griefing is really starting to upset me. I'd like to know that the offender is getting banned. For a long time, if not permanently. Thanks.
We are coming to take a look at it now.[DOUBLEPOST=1455205368,1455203498][/DOUBLEPOST]Finished. Be sure to claim your items anytime possible. Claims are able to be made in any dimension.
Will mark this as done seeing that it has been handled. Feel free to create another thread or a ticket if you have any other issues. -V