Done Growth Crystals and Growth Accelerating Items

Discussion in 'Sky Factory 3' started by Samothrake, May 19, 2017.

  1. Samothrake

    Samothrake Well-Known Member

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    10:58 PM
    I have checked the server changelogs, and searched the threads here, but have not found anything about the Tiny Progressions Growth Crystals.

    I was kind of suspicious of them to begin with, when my tier 1 and tier 2 crystals didn’t seem to be working, but today I upgraded one into a Tier 3. And I get nothing from it. It doesn’t seem to act like a water source like it is supposed to, and it definitely doesn’t make any of my crops grow faster. From videos I have seen, I expected to see near instant growth of my Mystical Agriculture plants (or any plants). Unfortunately, it just sits there, reminding me that I used my first and only dragon egg on this thing.

    Worms seem to work to occasionally apply a bone-meal-like effect. But I am not sure if the greenhouse glass above the garden is working. The Tiny Progressions Reinforced Watering Can, however, works wonders. I suppose I could try to use a mechanical user with it, but I haven’t had much luck with those things either.

    So….is there some server setting that hasn’t been made public that has the growth crystals turned off or waaaaay down? What about other plant growth accelerating items? I can understand the server impact of them, but if this is the case, it would have nice to know before I used my dragon egg.
  2. matijase

    matijase Well-Known Member

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    4:58 AM
    If the chunk is not loaded they wont grow with or without them. They work for me, though realy slow.
  3. Blizzix_

    Blizzix_ Well-Known Member

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    10:58 PM
    Sorry your havings loads of trouble dude. Hopefully its a small mistake and everything will be good. Unfurtunally im not sure if theres any problem with them on the server although from the looks of it there shouldnt be. I hope you can get this sorted soon. :)
  4. iStarlightz

    iStarlightz Prince Cuddles

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    10:58 PM
    I can assure you that growth crystals do work. Maybe they have been nerfed for this server or something for you is buggy do note you still have to put a growth crystal in. Fairly central location in the same place that you would put your water source at.

    TIP: putting a lot of crystals together stacks the growth speed. With enough t3 growth crystals the plant should almost insta grow

    Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  5. Samothrake

    Samothrake Well-Known Member

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    10:58 PM
    OK, some clarifications. First, my chunk is loaded. I have a spot loader there, and my understanding is that a spot loader loads the chunk it is in. (unless there is some MYM tweak to that).
    Second, I can't tell if some of us are talking about the Mystical Agriculture growth accelerators (which to my understanding stack but only for the block/plant directly under it), or if we are speaking about the Tiny Progressions growth crystals. Sooo...I went into my test world and played around for a bit:

    The plant I am looking at here has growth accelerators from level 57 all the way down to 0. It grows fairly quickly with 57 accelerators under it. The plants around it should be affected by two Tier 3 growth crystals from Tiny Progressions. (they are supposed to act like a water block, affect a 9x9 area, and work 10 blocks up or down) However those plants, while growing somewhat faster than if they had nothing to help them grow, are nowhere near the speed I would expect them to grow. Under the farming station is another Tier 3 and you can also see another just above it. The eight 3x3 plots around the farming station each have worms on them, and the whole large area is covered by greenhouse glass. I also have a few other Tier 3 growth crystals around the edge of the farm to test out what will grow quickly.

    At this point, my farming station should be having trouble keeping up with the growth of the plants, and as you can see, this is not a problem I am having. The only things I can say for sure are helping my plants grow are the worms and the accelerators. But I really don't want to make 50+ accelerators for each plant I plant. I just don't have the resources for that for one, and I also don't want my base to become laggy.

    Now, I am finally at a point where I can resummon the End Dragon, and make Dragon Eggs, but I would rather use that heart used to make one to make some awakened draconium - especially if the Tier 3 crystals aren't working.

    So, does anyone have some suggestions for speeding up crop growth that doesn't require massive amounts of resources or hard to get items like dragon hearts?
  6. iStarlightz

    iStarlightz Prince Cuddles

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    Local Time:
    10:58 PM
    The recipe for t3 crystals does not use a heart but a dragon egg.

    Also chunk loaders only work when the player who placed them down is online.

    Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  7. Samothrake

    Samothrake Well-Known Member

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    10:58 PM
    Yes the crystals use a dragon egg, but you can make a dragon egg with a dragon heart. As far as I know, only the first time the dragon is killed does an egg spawn. So unless you are the first person that month/week (how often does the End get reset on SF3 nowadays?) to kill the dragon, you must use the heart to make an egg for whatever purpose you need it.

    And I am not expecting my spot/chunk loaders to work when I am offline. Just that they work when I am logged in. Even if I am in another dimension.
  8. iStarlightz

    iStarlightz Prince Cuddles

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    10:58 PM
    No every time you kill him an egg and heart drops

    Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

    As well as some supremium
  9. Samothrake

    Samothrake Well-Known Member

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    Local Time:
    10:58 PM
    Ah. That's good to know. Thank you .

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