Hello, my fellow miners and crafters, It would appear that I am back to playing minecraft again. Some life issues came up that caused me to stop gaming but now I'm back. While I may not play everyday/all day, I am at least back to playing and chatting on the forums when I can. With that being said, what packs are you all playing? I had a quick look at Crackpack, being played by Docm77 and it look kind of fun. Maybe I will give that a go. Leave comments below of the pack your enjoying the most and why. For those of you that are wondering about if I plan to make a "Civilization 2" or another pack... it is possible but not at the moment. @johnfg12 and I will sit down when more mods get updated to the "newest" version of modded minecraft. He has done an amazing job handling the pack in my absence . From what I can tell, most packs are skipping 1.8 and possibly 1.9 as well. So we will have to see what happens. Other then that, it feels good to be back and playing again.
Crackpack is alright, but Ferret Business is what got me back into modded Minecraft after a break. You're more than welcome there, and welcome back! o/
Welcome back. I'd focus on 1.10 mods as 1.9->1.10 is only small changes for most mods. Also 1.10 is what I'm working on currently anyway