Currently having terrible delay anytime I have logged on since today. Such as massive delay when opening an inventory, typing or seeing anything within chat, several minutes before I fully log in and render chunks. I can log in but essentially do nothing. So I want to think it is another issue with the morph mod that I had previous. Mainly for the fact when I log in I experience the same sky like void before I fully render in instead of getting a proxy error. As well as for the fact I have no other idea what could be causing this since I was completely fine last night, and it seems similar to when I had the morph issue. So could someone delete the morph folder from my player data again. Either way I have a large amount of morphs that keep getting added so it will probably be good to have those removed again. I honestly don't get why the mod doesn't allow you to delete or blacklist certain mobs to prevent this sort of thing.