I've noticed that a lot of players on the B-Team server (don't know about other servers) ask a lot of questions relating to; currency, claims, farmworld, how to leave spawn etc. Many also build in the farmworld. I'm not sure if there is a help place in spawn (I know the /help command, but new players dont do that, read the rules, or read the banned items list, most atleast).
To elaborate on Chugga's response, we prefer if the Suggestions and Feedback area was not a place to put problems, but instead possible solutions to problems. So in this case, you could possibly elaborate on ways you think newer players can learn how to play.
Yes, apologies. I would suggest maybe more signs around spawn, or even a room with everything you need to know about the server. Just a few signs around saying Farmworld-(Whats it about) the regular world (how to get to wild) Currency and voting, and claim protection.
I see. Let me just tag a few people real quick, for more opinions. @Moderator @Senior Moderator @Administrator
Most of the information should be on the forums for that sort of things, maybe a post with a link to each of the relevant sections for information would be good, that could then be linked to when you log in the first time (can't remember if there's something like that already). One thing people seem to miss often is the End Game Item lists.
Possibly a book given on use of the /help command outlining general procedures in the server, claiming, market, etc?
Most people ignore that kind of stuff or are just too lazy/dont care. Theres help, rules, and banneditems commands but a lot of players ignore them. Just the other day some guy thought raiding was allowed on unclaimed land
Just because a player neglects to read the rules (they have to read and accept them before they even type to others) does NOT mean they are not held accountable. A saying I've carried with me throughout life:You can lead a horse to water but you can't make them drink. As a player you can also answer any questions they may have. Yes we know it's not your "job" but this network relies on it's players and staff alike to work as a cohesive machine.
My saying always was/is. If you do not care about it, it doesn't matter how often you cross it, you are not recognizing it. The issue with spreading it around more is that we create more places that need to be updated. The ones we have are already not up to date at a rate we would like to keep. Can you think of something that would simplify things while reaching your goal?
Slind basically said what I was thinking, to be honest. You make an agreement to follow the rules and learn what to do on your own. Not to say staff cannot help you, but, the resources are there, you just have to consult them. Anyone who doesn't really want to care to look shouldn't be complaining. They're being lazy, and should know that the only person at fault for not knowing what to do is them. Yes, that sounds awfully harsh, but it's true.