Implemented Help Snowballing greif!

Discussion in 'Horizons' started by Orncaex, May 31, 2014.

  1. Orncaex

    Orncaex Member

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    3:37 PM
    So yeah there is no way to really put it lightly. A practical joke turned into a rather mean greif... and it progressively worsened...

    Witchery: Curse of Misfortune

    The entire mod is with PVP in mind and it is... yes I think its ballanced by unfortunately I wasnt prepared to combat witchcraft. I have had the curse strengthen upon me FOUR TIMES in a row. The odds of probability drop that down to less than reasonable odds for the ritual to work when preformed by me.

    I did my research and i know how to produce everything i need to do the ritual sucessfully. (otherwise it wouldnt be getting worse) but I am afraid i just can not do it alone. I cant leave base cursed like this and it presists past death so I need SOMEONE or anyone really to give me a leg up. Ill even provide the materials.

    Failing this I would request direct divine intervention as i have been spending the last two or three days now trying to rid myself of what started as a minor inconvience... to a full blown crippling issue.

    In the future I will be rushing straight for protection popets... but for now someone please HELP ME!
  2. Arachnyd

    Arachnyd New Member

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    3:37 PM
    I'm not sure, but, I think the only way to fix this is to reset the player file. That will take a higher power, so, while you're waiting on a response, make sure that you empty your inventory before you log off each time.

  3. Orncaex

    Orncaex Member

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    Local Time:
    3:37 PM
    Thanks for paying attention guy! turns out the ritual only had a 1 in 6 chance to work... Do not reset my character I have cured myself!
    Last edited: May 31, 2014

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