Implemented Help with CL1 TPS

Discussion in 'Crash Landing' started by Fez__, Sep 9, 2014.

  1. Fez__

    Fez__ Well-Known Member

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    10:33 AM
    Logged on this morning and the TPS was at 0.68.

    It was at that level as soon as I logged on and I was the only one there.

    Atm this is a dead server as no one is able to play here.
    I would guess you are trying to sort this out and was told it was a bugged duct somewhere, but thought I would open a forum post about it.

    I am happy to move servers if you can move my island.

    Also on a side note are you looking at adding some servers for the new pack Material Energy cubed on the FTB launcher (3rd party pack codeword me3)

  2. SirWill

    SirWill Founder

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    11:33 AM
    We are aware of the TPS issue on CL1 and we know that it is a itemduct but we currently don't know where it is.
  3. Slind

    Slind Founder

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    The main problem is that we have no idea where this conduit is/these conduits are. We don't get any coordinates as information and also don't know in which region it is as it does not appear after a restart (outside of force loaded chunks) but when it appears and we kick all players it is still there.
    We did already check all conduits for staffed items but they are all fine. So I can only assume that someone connected one or multiple to huge inventories. These conduits are written to check the forge ore dictionary for each item in that inventory. That means a huge chest or even bitter inventories are eating up the server by thermal expansion using the ore dic in a way it was not written for and furthermore terrible internal performance for huge inventories.

    Edit: I patched thermal expansion to print the coordinates of all updating conduits to console, unfortunately does this increase the server performance by it self dramatically but in the hope of finding the main conduits I hope it is worth it. (I just don't know how to open search through the multiple gigabyte log on time :p)
  4. Mijikai

    Mijikai Well-Known Member

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    10:33 AM
    Maybe a complete reset of CL1 would help?
    I understand players have island there, but you need to ask yourself this -
    0.68 TPS or your island?
    20 TPS fresh start?

    Only a suggestion :)

    > Or is there a way to remove every conduit?
  5. Fez__

    Fez__ Well-Known Member

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    10:33 AM
    I am slowly changing my conduits to ME cables and buses, I have large inventories all over, but converting slowly, I will make an effort to change all over quickly to see if it is my island causing the problems. A complete rebuild of some of my systems is needed as it is so mixed up.

    Thanks for the work, just logged in and TPS is back to 20.
    Last edited: Sep 9, 2014

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