Title says all. When someone for example buys the 3 home point upgrade and someone else buys the 5 home points upgrade we should get 8 home points instead of 5 why this should be added? 2 reasons. 1. This will boost sales in purchase of home points upgrades because if people know they can stack em they will buy more 2. This will not make a lower tier upgrade of home points go to waste remember people do spend money on these and it will be insulting if they would effectively be useless.
I have had the 2nd happen to me a few times. It definitely sucks when you go and buy the 2-3 home point upgrade, and 2 days later someone buys the 8 home point one, effectively wasting my money. In my opinion it should either: Stack the home points as you said, or the lower tier one should get refunded if a higher tier gets purchased before 1 week has passed.
While both are valid reasons if this was implemented it could easily be taken advantage of. What I mean is someone could just buy multiple 8 homes upgrade and thus rendering the Patron donation system useless in the case of gaining extra homes
I dont see how, patron does not give any additional home points Also so what if someone bought multiple 8 home upgrades it generates revenue
What about the poor legacy tier donators? As a tier 5 donator, i have infinite homes to set and so i feel unfairly/negatively impacted because i cannot get any more homes then my infinite "limit".
Due to the limitations of the plugins we use (and any that have homes for that matter), this is not possible to my understanding of the system. They work based on a permission system that sets how many homes a user/group can have. We cannot possibly on a per-user basis determine how many homes they should have as it would take a severe amount of automation to determine it and would likely eat server performance significantly. The way it works now is that permission gets set for that server (for the entire server. Never goes on personal permissions) and it is not possible to change it to work like the way you want without some major drawbacks.
That's understandable. Do you know if it would be possible to get refunds for "overwritten" perks? Like i wrote in my first post: The lower tier perk should get refunded if a higher tier gets purchased before 1 week has passed. I'm not sure if it would be possible to do automatically, but it would be nice if it can just be done by request.
It's not that simple. We'd have to modify our entire system to handle the new plugin, then update all the permissions to handle the new homes, then we'd have to move all the existing homes to the new plugin. Just not worth the hassle for something so minute. That would be the Founder department as they handle purchases and how they work. With that being said, I do think it is possible with some shell script magic or a plugin/addition to existing plugins written for this specifically (which adds its own drawbacks of needing to write it for 3 different minecraft versions and update all the servers with the new plugin/script)
Trust me i know how to code it would just be a matter of running the correct command on activation and it would work
You may know code but you know very little about our systems backend. Like I said, it's not a matter of just running a command. Sent from my SM-A520W using Tapatalk