I do not know that here is the right place for this type of question because I was even in doubt between Forum Support and Off-Topic. I'm sorry if this is not local to this question! I was using the Tinkers' Construct to duplicate my ores and as I am very noob, I forgot if you put tin and copper together in smeltery it turns into bronze and with that I have 37 BRONZE BLOCKS!!! ._. I do not know if there is a solution to this stupidity but ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
If there is a market, you could alternatively try to sell it and get some sweet myms, or trade it for some tin/copper with another player
Genius idea!!! It is a good solution for my stupidity! surely you must have a player who can sell copper and tin to me! Thank you!
Copper and tin are usually not the types of ores that come in small quantities nor are they too hard to find, so it should be really easy to replenish what you lost in a couple of minutes of mining