Hypovolemia, Quest Suggestions

Discussion in 'Hypovolemia' started by Chetwynd, Oct 6, 2015.

  1. Chetwynd

    Chetwynd Well-Known Member

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    Local Time:
    7:36 AM
    As we often have many requests to add quests and change quests here is a little form you can fill out to submit a quest, (Maybe create a questline if you have the time or patience)
    With the TaskType1 and TaskDescription1 you can add multiple so the quest can contain multiple objectives.

    Questname(Whats the name of the quest):
    Which Chapter(Which chapter of the questbook):
    Quest Descriptions(Have a general description on the quest (Made in first person):
    Tasktype1(What do you need to do to complete the quest.):
    TaskDescription1(Explain the quest items in a bit more detail):
    Rewards(Name the items the player gets If possible ID's also):
    Optional Rewards(Name the rewards that can be picked from):
    Parent quest(Can have multiple parent quests, Or state something that needs to be done to unlock this quest):

    Respond to this post with your quest suggestions!
    Thank you for your support!

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