Done I got 99 problems and a Jungle is one of them.

Discussion in 'Age of Engineering' started by Rekalty, Aug 5, 2017.

  1. Rekalty

    Rekalty Well-Known Member

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    12:39 PM
    Given the apparent lack of jungles in our AoE worldgen, it would be nice to have recipes for items that are exclusive to Jungle worldgen.

    You already added the Jungle Sapling, which is great, getting vines from a Swamp isn't too difficult (bring shears)

    Other items that would be good to have recipes for would be Tropical Hive, since a portion of the modpack relies on bee breeding, and tropical/jungle bees are required for several species, as well as the only way to get Silk Wasp for upgraded Backpacks and Apiarist Armor. To a lesser extend, melons/melon seeds, not a major issue, since it can be found in Mineshafts and Dungeons, and people have generally been good about sharing with people that need them.
  2. Evan317

    Evan317 Resigned Member of MyM Staff Patron Tier 1 Booster

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    7:39 AM
    I also think having recipes for the hives would be nice, but if you just need silk wisp for the apiarist suit I have a villager that sells the combs that you can use.
  3. Kazeodori

    Kazeodori Well-Known Member

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    4:39 AM
    I agree with Rekalty. We do need the jungle bees.
  4. wyndman

    wyndman Well-Known Member

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    7:39 AM
    Well since Kaze wants them I'll try to get a recipe prepared tonight for them.
  5. Tuffnoodle

    Tuffnoodle Well-Known Member

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    Beat you to it Wynd :p
    (I was already working on it haha)

    Tropical hives are now craftable.

    Gonna leave this open in case we decide/make a decent a recipe for melon/seeds.
    Last edited: Aug 7, 2017
  6. chaosblad3

    chaosblad3 Very Well-Known Member

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    11:39 AM
    Gonna say that recipe is just a little bit too on the difficult side, requiring an alveary in the recipe means having to work your way up to that before having the means to make silk for apiarists protective clothing (only obtainable from tropical bees and a few bees that breed from them), normally you would not have to make it to the alveary stage before protective clothing to prevent bees giving negative status effects would be available to you, thus adding additional difficulty not intended in the pack.

    Recommend switching it to apiary instead.
    Kazeodori likes this.
  7. Tuffnoodle

    Tuffnoodle Well-Known Member

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    4:39 AM
    I agree, some players don't see a problem with it but I need to change it! I'm currently in the process of unifying recipes across the 1.10 servers, but I think that one will be a good one universally. I'll change it tonight!
    Kazeodori likes this.
  8. Tuffnoodle

    Tuffnoodle Well-Known Member

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    4:39 AM
    Recipes fixed.

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