I quit

Discussion in 'Community Talk' started by HaitaZeShark, Feb 6, 2017.

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  1. HaitaZeShark

    HaitaZeShark Active Member

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    Local Time:
    3:35 AM
    Because of recent event's i just wasted 81 hours on an island that got removed because of a bug. I contacted a few of the different staffs on this server but they all said the same thing. This "no refund" policy that makes absolutely no sense at all is telling me that i can't reclaim the island i built. This is why i quit this community because i have been on a lot of different servers but this is the first server i have ever seen that can't handle with these things. I have strict proof and other people who can confirm that the island was mine but the server staff still said they won't do anything. I thought that i died because of a bug with the aesir ring but Brooklyn proved me wrong but i still have no idea how i was flying around on the moon for 15 minutes without oxygen and without dying. Please do not post hate against me this is a post for those who wonder why they won't be seeing me. Thank you all for trying to be there but a stupid policy is a policy.
  2. All_Mighty_POWA

    All_Mighty_POWA Well-Known Member

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    2:35 AM
    Minecraft is a game full of bugs, modded minecraft is even worse! It's sad that you can't cope with the fact that dying is part of this game. There is no reason to being a drama queen and making rage posts that the server you joined for free has rules that you don't like. If you were playing on single player you'd have to cheat to get the items back or you'd just not get them at all.
    I'd recommend some creative servers for you maybe, since the chances of dying are lower :)
    xLuarkeNx and JessTheGreat like this.
  3. _Lordicon

    _Lordicon MyM Real OG

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    9:35 PM
    Going to close this to prevent hate posts or any other form of negativity. Thanks for understanding.
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