Implemented I think i broke somthing O.O

Discussion in 'Agrarian Skies' started by Kiager, Apr 21, 2014.

  1. Kiager

    Kiager New Member

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    5:09 AM
    I was building a second layer on my sky block base at void level so i could have cool particles, and i placed an autonomous activator at void level and it crashed my game completely. Now everytime i login it crashes. MY ign is Kiager
    Last edited: Apr 21, 2014
  2. Vanroden

    Vanroden Guest

    This is a known bug. The reason is unknown but it happened to Pakratt also. It actually corrupted his world.
    Jadedcat is aware of the bug, not sure what can be done. My only advice is build above Level 8 to avoid this
  3. Kiager

    Kiager New Member

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    5:09 AM
    Is there a way you can tp me to spawn or somthing or delete the autonomous activator?
  4. Vanroden

    Vanroden Guest

    its not only you that cant log in, i dont think this is the reason. if its still a problem after Minecraft isnt having trouble, i will log in
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  5. Kiager

    Kiager New Member

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    5:09 AM
    Yeah i can login to your server but as soon as i get onto the server my client crashes. Like i see my 1-9 items but no blocks and then boom it closes.
  6. Vanroden

    Vanroden Guest

    i will log in and see what i can do[DOUBLEPOST=1398087747,1398087674][/DOUBLEPOST]is your name the same on the server?

    try to log in a few times, i will see if i can tp you to spawn
  7. Kiager

    Kiager New Member

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    5:09 AM
    I logged in a few times idk
  8. Vanroden

    Vanroden Guest

    #server is full, you couldn't log in.
  9. Kiager

    Kiager New Member

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    5:09 AM
    The server is most definatly not full. Apparently you cant help me, so i guess ill just wait for an admin.
  10. Vanroden

    Vanroden Guest

    i already messaged an Admin, i know how this will be fixed, but i wanted to avoid it.[DOUBLEPOST=1398093706,1398089798][/DOUBLEPOST]This should be fixed now. Try not to build under level 8 to avoid this bug
  11. Kiager

    Kiager New Member

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    5:09 AM
    Cool thanks :D

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