I would like the market to be enabled on ag+ please

Discussion in 'Archive (Suggestion and Feedback)' started by alexanderinup, Nov 4, 2014.

  1. alexanderinup

    alexanderinup New Member

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    6:17 PM
    2014-11-03_19.32.06. Hi my name is alexanderinup and i have a suggestion

    My suggestion is that the market is to be enabled on ag+ for the people who say "I cant make this or that" or mabey just need to make something and dont have a material if u can do this please do sincerly alexanderinup
  2. Krxxzy

    Krxxzy Guest

    That kind of defeats the objective of Agrarian but because it does have extra mods and makes everything harder, It could be a good idea but its up to the @Founder 's to make that decision.
    BigMan91 likes this.
  3. ctacuk

    ctacuk Well-Known Member

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    agree with iTzKrAaZy, it would destroy the whole point of Agrarian gameplay
  4. alexanderinup

    alexanderinup New Member

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    6:17 PM
    I thank you both for your input and i agree yes it does defeat the agrarian skies gameplay and yes i would be up to the owner/founder
  5. cbrozak

    cbrozak Well-Known Member

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    It's true, it won't happen. Trading isn't allowed until you reach the nether and it would defeat the entire PvP and trading aspect of the game for this modpack.
    Mijikai likes this.

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