Done IC2 Electric kinetic generator and turning table?

Discussion in 'Infinity' started by Ubidibity, Jul 30, 2017.

  1. Ubidibity

    Ubidibity Well-Known Member

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    Local Time:
    6:36 PM
    I'm trying to turn the handle blank for a mining laser (and I can't make it with the blank, and I tried using a charged crystal) and I can't get the blank to turn.

    I put down an electric kinetic generator, and a capacitor, and I put motors in the generator and it drains power but if I put the blank and a lathing tool in the table I can't get it to take anything off the blank by pushing the buttons...

    Is this a known issue? I had UCSmiley try it too in case it was something with my client, because I'm using the MYM launcher. I could swear I made one earlier on this server, and until about 2-3 months ago I wasn't using the mym launcher at all. Now I'm tempted to go back to trying the RYO infinity and see if it works again...
  2. Ubidibity

    Ubidibity Well-Known Member

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    6:36 PM
    UCGSmiley figured it out for me. It took me like 3 days of fiddling and I'm still not sure I would have figured it out. It's really tempermental. As you'll read online it's really orientation specific. UCG used glass cable, I used gold cable, he used an MFE and I used a batt box...I don't think you need to go all high end crazy, you just need to have the ic2 compatible energy to get the kinetic generator to kick out enough kinetic energy to run the turbine.

    It does work with the manual kinentic generator too (again if you get the orientation right) though it's like 3 clicks per cut (the top turns red), so it's easier with some form of auto power.

    Final caveats, motors go inside the kinetic generator (not shown in my picture), also you'll need a turning blank and lathe bit in the turn table (which gets consumed), also not shown, but all that's pretty available on google.

    In the end I'm sure it was just the orientation that was messing me up. It helps to know that the little fan thing faces away from the turn table, that the power connects to the checkered side, and that the top of the turn table gets red.

    It could also be with different texture packs some of these subtle sides and changes won't be displayed properly, so if you don't see the red bar on top I've described or the sides of the generator don't look different on several sides then maybe that's a contributing factor as well.

    I've included my annotated picture, if it helps.
    If anyone notices, I removed UCGSMILEY's picture not to diminish his credit, but because I boneheadedly left the minimap on, and I don't want to inadvertently advertise his base coordinates.

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    Last edited: Aug 1, 2017
  3. wyndman

    wyndman Well-Known Member

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    Local Time:
    9:36 PM
    Yes, IC2 is very tempermental about matching the dots.

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