Soo, i recently setup a windmill in the age of engineering server. a windmill that outputs aaabout 1k Eu/tick. after replacing my cables with HV cables (cuz gold could only hold 500/tick), i needed to know, is the Voltage-tier seperate from the eu/tick? i ask, so i know if i need to run it through a HV transformer before plugging it into my setup.
id look at youtube and well the internet for more help but yes you should put a transformer between otherwise youll blow up your machines since higher voltages will blow up cables and what not
Heres the voldtage lvls Low up to 32 eu/ tin cable Medium up to 128 EU/t copper Cables High up to 512 EU/t gold Cables Extreame up to 8k eu/t glasfiber Cables
But do know that voltage is independent from eu/t you could have 1 eu/at high or extreme voltage, or 1000 eu/t at low voltage through a glass Fibre cable the wires only decide the max possible eu/t and the power loss per block. I am not sure what voltage the windmill is but I would assume that it is high or extreme voltage and plan accordingly. Atleast that is my understanding of it, I may be wrong. either way I would assume it is high or extreme voltage to be safe, it never hurts Well also if the windmill says the output voltage it’s probably just that
The Wind turbine (with kinetic generator) counts as a third-tier power generator, which means you will need a HV-Transformer stepping the energy down to connect it to MV-machines. For the very basic machines, you will need to step it down once more with MV-transformer. For the 1.7 plug-n-play IC2 experience, upgrade your machines with transformer-upgrades, which will make them accept the higher tiers (+1 upgrade = +1 tier)