IC2 Voltage help please..

Discussion in 'Community Talk' started by Rexarc, Oct 22, 2017.

  1. Rexarc

    Rexarc The Alchemist

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    Local Time:
    7:13 AM
    Soo, i recently setup a windmill in the age of engineering server. a windmill that outputs aaabout 1k Eu/tick. after replacing my cables with HV cables (cuz gold could only hold 500/tick), i needed to know, is the Voltage-tier seperate from the eu/tick? i ask, so i know if i need to run it through a HV transformer before plugging it into my setup.
  2. Datsaltysnek

    Datsaltysnek lover of NCIS

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    6:13 AM
    id look at youtube and well the internet for more help but yes you should put a transformer between otherwise youll blow up your machines since higher voltages will blow up cables and what not
  3. Fireforce

    Fireforce Patron Tier 3

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    1:13 PM
    Heres the voldtage lvls
    Low up to 32 eu/ tin cable
    Medium up to 128 EU/t copper Cables
    High up to 512 EU/t gold Cables
    Extreame up to 8k eu/t glasfiber Cables
    Rexarc likes this.
  4. coolgi3000

    coolgi3000 Logician of the gods

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    But do know that voltage is independent from eu/t you could have 1 eu/at high or extreme voltage, or 1000 eu/t at low voltage through a glass Fibre cable the wires only decide the max possible eu/t and the power loss per block.
    I am not sure what voltage the windmill is but I would assume that it is high or extreme voltage and plan accordingly.
    Atleast that is my understanding of it, I may be wrong. either way I would assume it is high or extreme voltage to be safe, it never hurts ;)
    Well also if the windmill says the output voltage it’s probably just that :p
    Last edited: Oct 23, 2017
  5. Matryoshika

    Matryoshika Well-Known Member

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    The Wind turbine (with kinetic generator) counts as a third-tier power generator, which means you will need a HV-Transformer stepping the energy down to connect it to MV-machines. For the very basic machines, you will need to step it down once more with MV-transformer.

    For the 1.7 plug-n-play IC2 experience, upgrade your machines with transformer-upgrades, which will make them accept the higher tiers (+1 upgrade = +1 tier)
  6. BookerTheGeek

    BookerTheGeek Patron Tier 3

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    Local Time:
    6:13 AM
    EU/T != EU/P

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