Recently, I've been having issues where something I type causes me to be logged out, and notified of Illegal Characters. The most recent instance of this goes as follows: "There's likely to be lots of raw porkchops on the market, by the time I'm done doing what I'm doing." If someone could please explain to me what I'm doing wrong, so I can stop doing it, I'd greatly appreciate it.
I've noticed that happens to me when I have to go back in whatever I was saying and correct a mistake. Usually when I use my mouse to move the cursor. Backspacing to the mistake doesn't cause that.
Is there a known cause in the modpacks that cause that? Or is it still just a "Eh, we can work around it."
I'm just using the MyM Launcher. I went into the folder and deleted ChatFlow. This is all the changes I've made. Could it be the mod called Emotes?
So, I can't even connect to the server without Emotes being installed. Kicked whilst connecting to skyfactory2: Mod rejections [FMLMod:Emotes{1.0}]