So for the people that know me and have welcomed me back thank you, for those who don't my name is Katelyn and I've been a member since the middle of November. How ever at the beginning of december I went MIA and I just got back. I mostly play on the Direwolf20 Servers. So where have I been I'll give you the reasons as to why I haven't been on. Reason 1: I was sick: I got a really bad case of Viral Pneumonia and had to spend two weeks in the hospital Reason 2: Death in the family: While I was in the hospital my grandmother passed away, Reason 3: Family Drama: I really don't want to go into detail about this and shouldn't Reason 4: I just didn't feel like playing: None of the people I usually hang out with were on since I disappeared Reason 5: I've been busy: After I got out of the hospital I wanted to take a break from Minecraft spend time with family. friends and my girlfriend and appreciate the fact that I'm still alive and kicking. I'm glad to be back and I'll be around on the servers more after christmas.
Welcome back! I'm glad you are feeling better. Looking forward to seeing you online ☺ Merry Christmas, Monkey