Done Infinity Node 5 Abandoned base clean up ?

Discussion in 'Infinity' started by golemofstone, Sep 11, 2016.

  1. golemofstone

    golemofstone Well-Known Member

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    3:16 AM
    Hi, Just wondering how often the overworld gets a clean up NOT reset obviously, but part built/abandoned bases get removed, as there seems to be a lot of unused builds littering the overworld at the moment and, it would be great if some of the builds could get wiped.

    I know this happens over on the Direwolf server as i stopped playing there for about 6 weeks came back and found the chunks where my base had been had be re-gened. This was my main reason for trying out Infinity in the first place, as i didn't fancy starting DW over.

    Is it a matter of making support tickets per build and, waiting for staff to come on and take a look? If that's the case no prob, i might take a fly about and list a few :D

    Anyway any info would be helpful, oh and i hope this is in the right forum area, sorry if not.
  2. ben_mkiv

    ben_mkiv Well-Known Member

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    did you check if the owners havent been online for the last weeks? you can do that with /seen playername
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  3. stijn04356789

    stijn04356789 Well-Known Member

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    The bases on node 5 get the same method as Direwolf. Once the owner is inactive for 14 days the claim should be regenerated.

    If the building is unclaimed then this sadly enough doesn't happen and if you want to have the place then I strongly advice you to make a ticket or a new thread about this to see if we can regenerate the base especially if it is abandoned for a long time already.

    I hope this clears up the confusing for you.
    golemofstone likes this.
  4. golemofstone

    golemofstone Well-Known Member

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    Yeah thanks a lot, theres been an abondoned build near mine ever since i joined the server i was hoping it would get regened but it must have been unclaimed i guess. Also would it be ok to make multiple tickets if i or anyone else finds a lot of unclaimed/abanodned builds especially ones that are only part made?
  5. LucidTheStick

    LucidTheStick Well-Known Member

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    Its fine to ticket at each one so it gives coordinates
    golemofstone likes this.
  6. golemofstone

    golemofstone Well-Known Member

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    3:16 AM
    Thanks, will do.

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