A load of items like exu gens have no recipe, but some people think it's a bug, can we hide them via Minetweaker. I'll write up the list and hide them if it'll be implemented.
ye might be a good idea it looks like that issue was 1.6 "In 1.6.4, NEI.hide works per item ID. Thus, applying NEI.hide(<item:34>) will hide all items with that name, not only the ones with 34 meta value. This is a NEI API limitation and cannot be fixed.Additionally, in dedicated servers, there is no NEI support and loading of the file will fail. Put your NEI scripts in a separate file and other files will still load fine."
Im sure this has already been answered but as far as I know there are many items that have already been taken out of infinity and if we take out more we will get the same response from the community as those items are making. It wouldn't be much of a deal but it would clarify some things if we took out the actual item from nei.