Internet Psychology, Nettiquete and Responsibility on the internet

Discussion in 'Community Talk' started by ReaperDragon4, Mar 22, 2017.

  1. ReaperDragon4

    ReaperDragon4 Well-Known Member

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    So... i wanted to start a discussion about this, I'm going to be gone most of the afternoon EST. So i'm gonna start it with a sci show video and an angry humor video about the topic of how the internet affects your behavior. The following is both the start of a discussion and a casual essay because I feel that its a discussion that needs to be had and events that need to be considered when discussing online ethics.

    This video contains language that some people may take exception to but contains a really good arguement about why good behavior on the internet is useful. The warning is put as a courtesy, staff may decide to remove the video at any time. The channel name is "a dose of buckley" and the title is "the internet: your inescapable permanent record."

    But i hope they don't remove it just for the curse words, in america this video would be rated pg 13, and its exactly the sort of arguement I think some teenagers need to hear. People don't seem to understand the privacy they're giving up by participating in online activities. They post selfies and statuses and personal details of their lives and they don't think there's a reason to care or that it won't affect their lives. Some of these people, their parents never sat down with them and explained how to be safe and respectful online. Some of these people take for granted that things online will stay there. But a court case in Stubenville Ohio and the way it affected the citizens of Stubenville will likely prove them wrong. And i'm being harsh about it because I believe it proves an important point for the younger forum members about the internet recording bad behavior for everyone, including future employers and the police to see.

    In stubenville, two highschool football players went to a party and met a girl who later passed out from the drinking that was going around. Although these pictures have been removed from facebook to the best of my knowledge after the police were done with them (facebook doesn't take kindly to selfies promoting criminal activity), they depict content and personal violations I'm not supposed to go into detail about on this forum or its associated servers. When the girl, who didn't remember a thing, saw the pictures they'd posted on facebook, she called the police, who then arrested the two boys for rape.

    These were all teenagers involved in the commission of a serious crime, and yet during the following police investigation nobody seemed to take it seriously. Parents were actually angry at the police for ruining their children's chances of escaping the rust belt that Ohio is part of. They argued that if the boys had a conviction for an adult felony on their records at the age they were at they were never going to get a job or go to college. Also, they felt the cops were ruining their chances of having a son or a person from their home town have a pro football (american) career.

    But what really showed the ignorance and naivety of the teenagers involved in the incident was when a blogger wrote an article, later picked up by local news media, collecting and analyzing facebook posts the boys classmates had written during the commission of the crime. These posts showed the classmates of the accused encouraging them to continue violating the poor girl they were messing with. And when the police started trying to get the teenagers to testify based on those facebook posts the blogger recieved deaththreats from those teenagers. They called her things like 'snitch' or rude names i won't mention on this server. And how dare she stick her nose in it or get the cops involved because the posts were private. Funny, they weren't marked private on facebook. They were left in public for everyone to see.

    If i'm harsh about non intellectually or philosophically driven inappropriate conversation or behavior on the internet, its because I know there are people out there with no idea that they can protect their privacy or that what they put on the internet can be used against them both by employers and college recruiters and as evidence in a police investigation. If you mark the posts as private, then the police need a warrent to have the server relinquish them.

    This is just one example in an internet full of examples of inappropriate behavior affecting real life. Its not just teenagers or children, the sci show video posted above shows some really good examples of how you can be hurtful to others online as well as how to stand up for yourself, one of which involved a middle aged man. Then there's the incident in which the CEO of AOL, when he saw what one of his managers had run up in terms of medical bills for her premature infant, said something about having to pay for "distressed infants". This is not a child only phenomenon (and the mother of the infant in question didn't let him get away with it either.)

    I believe that the internet brings out some of the weirder facets of human psychology, but also that its become almost a second brain or another layer of reality for us. I believe it needs to be treated with respect and more caution than its being treated with. Its my hope that this post and essay won't be offensive to the audience but a motivator for responsible, thoughtful action and discussion on this forum and encouragement to staff to keep doing their job.

    Now if you excuse me, I have to go figure out the ticket system here. >.> never needed it before now.

  2. alven4

    alven4 Well-Known Member

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    Please do not use videos to show something or do provide alternatives to the videos. Not everyone watches the videos and videos mostly require sound and take longer time to "use" than text or images.
  3. WikidSick

    WikidSick Well-Known Member

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    "Dont feed trolls"
  4. chugga_fan

    chugga_fan ME 4M storage cell of knowledge, all the time

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    and this is why if you google my username there is no connection to who I am, because I actually realize that the internet never forgets
  5. ?[DOUBLEPOST=1490251951][/DOUBLEPOST]Great post btw, all school should have that post pinned to their website or facebook profile
    too many confusing words though :/
    Many interestingly confusing words, nice :)
    Last edited by a moderator: Mar 23, 2017
  6. chugga_fan

    chugga_fan ME 4M storage cell of knowledge, all the time

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  7. ReaperDragon4

    ReaperDragon4 Well-Known Member

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    my dad when i was a kid took me over to our new AOL connected computer and said "reaper, this is going to change the world, so here's a few safety rules." You can still find me if you're determined to. But also I don't really have an identity worth stealing and I am hoping to eventually make a real world friend or two.

    Plus all the fanfiction I wrote as a teenager, I only ever met one of my fans, and that was from a more recent crossover. >.> I was a serious yaoi fangirl as a teenager. And i really came up with some crazy stuff. <.< excited teenagers what can you do?
    Last edited by a moderator: Mar 23, 2017
    SanndyTheManndy likes this.
  8. WikidSick

    WikidSick Well-Known Member

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    Pure lies
    SanndyTheManndy likes this.

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