Server Infinity evolved 6 not 5 (node 6 is not in the list) Problem: All of a sudden there was huge lag and then the server crashed after that i jumped around in the lobby a bit and didnt rejoin because I had things to do. Now I logged in and my Inventory is set back: Before the crash I did some mining in the End and thus, had my inventory full of ender amethyst, draconium and for the most part, end stone when i saw that the Dragon Egg was still at the ender portal and that no one took it, I went to my home and emptied my inventory (all of the amethysts and draconium and end stone) into my ME system. Then I got some torches and got the Dragon Egg. Shortly after, the server crashed, and I only just logged in. Now when I logged in, my inventory was full of end stone and the stuff I got before emptying my inventory into the ME system but the Dragon Egg wasn't there. Then I went to the end and the dragon egg was gone (maybe someone else took it) pls help
As I talked to you briefly in game, we cannot restore your items, but we can look into the reason for the crash in an attempt to prevent it from happening again. I know it is frustrating when the server crashes unexpectedly, but we do our best to prevent such things and to ensure you don't loose significant progress (time, in your case you lost valuable items!) in the event it does happen.