I've noticed that there are servers don't have people on/have not had people on in days, and very few people on servers that do have people on. It's probably just a phase but weird. Just like a month ago, there was usually about 250 people always on, but now it seems like 100. Any idea what's up? Also, where did the like 60 players on Agrarian Skies go?
Its not mym dying. Its just old, overplayed packs becoming lost. Theres new stuff ahead and mym will host it. I could ask : Did you play GS allready? The mym server seems to be the only one out ...
The only difference i find in packs its the name because each of them have almost the same mods most players have already do in others we just need something New and Fresh
I do look forward to the new stuff. I tried out GS, but when I did, there were very serious issues and I left it.
QQ you played it in alpha and it had issues? You wouldnt try it in beta or even release? Short sight ...
The popular older servers just got downsized and reset which probably upset a few players but was certainly necessary since everything is on 1.7.10 now. I think it would most certainly help to get one of the newer packs up (shoutout to Hypovolemia and RUSH). The other thing I have noticed is that the amount of custom packs seems to be increasing significantly which means less players per pack and per server. The more packs there are, the more spread out the players will be and since MYM can only host a certain amount of packs at a time there won't be as many players as there were. My best guess would be that everyone comes running back as soon as the next big pack FTB comes online since they haven't released one in a while and players have lost interest/moved on.
Seriously? School starts, and its the end of the world? No. MyM is not dying. We've always had a high population of younger players - and now that school is starting back up, population takes a bit of a dip because parents kind of demand that their kids go to school, do their homework, and get to bed at a decent hour. This = Not as many people on until 2am.
black - average players blue - average tps numbers on the right percentage regarding the tps, non related to average online players
technically it'd be global climate change of which we've known is real for sure no matter what but....